Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seek First

You know how people always grumble on Mondays, about how the weekend went by too quickly, it won't be the weekend for another 5 days, there's so much to do, etc. Well, I love Mondays! To keep from workng on the sabbath, anything that pops into my head to do, I just write down, and when that is added to all of the things I didn't finish from last week, by Monday I have a pretty long list. I am not usually overwhelmed by this, in fact I love crossing things off as I do them, and I never want to feel like I have 'nothing' to do! Yesterday after I put the kids down for nap time though, I wasn't feeling my normal excitement about tackling that to-do list. I found myself wishing that it were Tuesday. I wanted to run to my Bible, to pray, to send people letters of encouragement. Sadly, I talked myself out of it and did a few 'essentials' first, then ended up writing some letters to  people. Now I totally understand that these things to be done (like that rental agreement that needs to be renewed for us to live here!), but I heard God reminding me yesterday and today to...

The Word:
"Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

"These things" Jesus is talking about are the food, clothing, and shelter, which in the previous chapters He told them not to worry about. So even though I need to maintain these basic needs of living, I need to trust that seeking God and serving Him first is a better way to live. I absolutely saw this promise fulfilled in college when God prompted me to memorize scripture- a lot of scripture, like I would spend at least two hours every day in the corner of the library overlooking campus just praying and reviweing memory verses. A friend once asked me how I had time to do this, she felt so swamped with school work and other extra-curriculars. My only answer was to paraphrase this verse to her- that I didn't really know, but when I made time for this, everything else still got done somehow. No we could continue analyzing this all day- was my course load lighter than hers, my subjects easier, was I faster at completing assignments, did she have more going on, etc. I fully admit the importance of not being overcommitted (though in college I had a lot of committments!), to leave room for 'Holy Interruptions' and service, and I know some things had to be sacrificed by taking this time (so I got a 90% on a test instead of a 100%), but I am so confident that it was 'worth' the time in the way that God revealed Himself to me through His words, taught me to love others, recognize truth when I see it, identify where God is working, etc. I have a daily quiet time almost every morning, but I am finding an increased joy in Tuesday afternoons that I know I owe a debt of thanks to God for- His presence brings light, joy, peace.....and next time I feel God calling me to Himself, whether it is Monday afternoon, Friday morning- whenever- I will thank Him for reminding me of my need for Him, and stop to enjoy Him!

That we will seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and trust God will provide.

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