Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Making Mountains Out Of Mole Hills

First, for all of the 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' geeks like me, anyone remember that episode where Will and Hillary double date and Hillary can't get past the guy's mole that she's with? Will drags her out in the hallway and says, "What is wrong with you, you are making a mountain out of a mole, Hil". (laughing inside!!!!)

Anyway, my prayers today were inspired by a comment my daughter made in the car today. She went from zero to meltdown in a couple seconds after climbing into the van and seeing me put her brother in one of seats- the one she wanted to sit in, but had not sat in for weeks. (Though my kids are 16 months apart, they are now roughly the same size, so they share seats) I decided I did not want to take the effort to force the switch and instead offered for them to switch on the way home. This proved to be no comfort, and she continued to cry all the way to the store. It was a quick trip and we were back in the van quickly. I made good on my promise to enforce a switch, and my daughter looked right at me and said excitedly, "Look, mom, I'm happy now that I'm in my seat!" Instead of seeing the humor and cuteness of the situation, I was irritated, thinking how unreasonable and silly she was being, and I had to take the brunt of all the crying and defiance. Then it hit me, of course, that I was letting my own attitude be swayed so easily not because I didn't get to sit in the seat I wanted to, but because I didn't get the compliant, cheerful attitude I wanted out of my daughter (which I wrongly expect every day). Today I have been praying something that I often pray- not to sweat the small stuff, not to make mountains out of mole hills, and focus instead on eternal things. The following verse really sums that up:

The Word: "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right. Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is just.If anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you."
Philippians 4:8-9

I have struggled with this a lot because of the juxtaposition of trying to live in the moment, appreciate everything about the little things in life, but yet not letting those solely define the day or affect my emotions too deeply when they are negative. Do you know the struggle I'm talking about? I pray that God will continue to help me see all moments, joyful and difficult, as contributing to all of the above things in a life of service to the Lord, and raising children up in the Lord. One more thought about this passage, I thought I typed the last sentence incorrectly at first, you know it is a common phrase to talk about the peace of God, but this said the God of peace will be with me. I am seeing the importance more and more of desiring not just the fruit of the spirit (like peace), but the Spirit/God himself.

Prayer: To dwell on things that God says produce the fruit of the Spirit, not get caught up in everyday trials.

"This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world"
 "This is the stuff" By Francesca Battistelli

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