Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Distractions on the Path

Last night at our life group we closed our discussion of a chapter in the book "Crazy Love", with a prayer suggestion from the leader's guide, asking God to search our hearts for anything that was hindering our devotion and service to Him. The thought that most popped into my mind, even today, was TV. When I started staying  home with my kids full time, I was disappointed at first how much they dominated what was on- though I limit their shows, I also limited my shows because of certain content or just not wanting the TV to be on all day. I thought that's what stay-at-home moms got to do- watch TV and eat bon bons all day! (Just kidding- my husband told me he would leave me if I started watching soap operas). But during nap times, I enjoy being able to watch what I want, and it is almost always just background noise while I do things around the house. Recently, however, I inadvertantly set some 'goals' for myself (getting caught up on episodes of a show online, finishing the Friends series, etc.). Silly, I know, I just felt like I was so close to completing these things, I had to keep going to check them off my list. So as I was praying yesterday and today, I felt pretty strongly that in addtion to fasting from lunch today, God could work in me more if I fasted from TV watching. Now I am not taking a big stand on TV watching here, committing to any certain bans at this time (though I see good fruit produced from people who do), I am just taking a day to re-prioritize. Like fasting has had a side effect of helping me draw strength in situations of strong food cravings, I pray that this will remind me to seek God first in situations of strong cravings for other things that will distract me from time in devotion and service to God. If you didn't notice, my posts the last few weeks have been posted either later in the night on Tuesdays, or even later in the week. Sometimes there is a good reason, and last week I even turned that reason into my prayer, but mostly, it is because I have waned a little in prioritizing it, following distractions. So even though I thought it sounded like a more relaxing, enjoyable afternoon to turn on some movie, e-mail and stuff diapers (I may still have to do that part), the verse below reminded me of all of God's promises that if I really want rest, joy, peace, fulfillment, and a straight path in life, it is only found in Him.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6

I pray that the way I spend my day and prioritize 'tasks', reflects my inward trust and desire for God to work in and through me.

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