Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The small group of high school ladies I used to lead inspired me to start memorizing James this morning, having finished a fall Bible Study cirriculum. Reading chapter one multiple times, verse 5 really stuck out to me:

The Word: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault"

I honestly think it stuck out to me because I want it- and really honestly, I think I want it like Adam and Eve wanted it. I pictured myself knowing what to do in every situation, thinking God had given me a special gift of ministry beign just like Him in the world today- you know...meek, mild, humble, WISE! I volunteer, God, to be your voice whenever there is a disagreement of any kind- lead these other un-wise people here on earth. (Are you catching my sarcastic tone?) I realized I needed to pray today about what true wisdom means, and I got some good counsel when I read "Knowing God" by Packer. I flip it open at the gym and just happen to be on the chapter titled "God's Wisdom and Ours"- coincidence- I think not! Packer uses two transportation analogies to differentiate what wisdom is and is not. He says we are not taken into the 'switchboard room of New York station' and revealed the providential meaning and purpose of the events around us, how God responds and what He is going to do next, rather we are drivers in cars, following set paths. It is not for us to question why the road bends in a certan way, or another driver maneuvers the way they do, but wisdom enables us to see and do the right thing in situations as we drive. Packer also emphasizes the point that wisdom comes from knowing God (hmmm, book title reference?), and part of seeking wisdom is not about my own sort of moral/relational experiments to determine the best outcomes, it is about seeking Him and opening myself up to be changed and directed by Him!

Prayer: To seek God, who is only wise, and be transformed in heart and mind to be more like Him- including being wise.

Food Story: I got home from the gym with my kids and opened the refrigerator to decide what to make for lunch and I saw a few Thanksgiving leftovers that I was really excited to eat. When I remembered it was Tuesday, I was genuinely sad....but I noticed that the feeling didn't last long. I used to have this late realization often (I am a forgetful person), and the disappointment would last all day. One thing I think fasting is teaching me is to not hold on too strongly to earthly desires- food, an event, a plan. Now, I look for and see the joy that is beyond the immediate desire. Thank you, God, for this discipline of fasting, as a symbol of a lot of deeper things you want to discipline in me!

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