Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A change of plans, but not really

For a few different reasons I ended up donating plasma this morning, which for the past couple weeks I avoided so I would not confuse hunger symptoms wth any actual medical problems. In addition, I forgot that I had made a play date with a neighbor and her daughter, and she so kindly made us all lunch afterward, which I felt would be rude to refuse. Hmmm, so where does that leave me this Tuesday afternoon, when I am supposed to be reporting here about my prayer and fasting experience today? I thought first about just waiting until tomorrow to fast, pray and post, or about praying and posting today and fasting tomorrow, or just waiting until next Tuesday, etc. Even though this produced some extra mental and emotional 'strain', I realized I am thinking about this for such a good reason- having a wonderful neighbor/friend, friend for my children, a generous meal, good conversation....which just has to lead me to praise God- whether I planned to pray or not, it is just happening. And this praise happened to lead me to what I felt on my heart to pray about since last night, hearing about a tragic loss some friends are experiencing. I am by nature a very social person, love talking and hanging out with new people, learning new things, but sometimes I catch myself thinking that it is all for MY benefit- what can this person/organization offer me, it is 'worth' my time. When I heard about this situation with our friends, I was reminded of God's purposes for friendship:

The Word: "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his companion." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Are you having flashbacks from a recent wedding? I have definitely come to believe that we need more than just our spouse in this world, because as we become more and more 'one', we will be grieved by the same things, possibly fall into the same traps, and need good friends to keep pushing us along in our labor, and lift us up. Good relationships do take a lot of work, vulnerabilty, honesty, etc. but they are so important in good times and bad. Thank you friends!

Prayer: For our new but dear friends in their tragedy- may you feel that God loves you, hears you, has not forsaken you. Thank you for sharing with us so we can grieve with you, love you, and uplift you.

Food: With all of the 'schedule changes' today, I am choosing to continue to pray (and post obviously) today, and wait until next Tuesday to fast. It was a good reminder that prayer and fasting is not just missing a meal. Today my heart is still deeply longing for comfort and healing for our friends, even with a full stomach because of great friends.

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