Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's All Yours God

It has been a few weeks since I have posted, and to be honest, it is because I have not taken much time on Tuesdays to pray because I did feel I had to stop fasting. Right sfter I sat down to write the previous posts since being pregnant, I would get very nauseous, light-headed, and crampy. I tried having little snacks of healthy fruit or something and I don't honestly know if it was a mental or spiritual battle, or simply a physical need. But I made the decision to stop fasting, and unintentionally I stopped setting aside time in the afternoon to really sit in silence and pray. It was almost like I was happy to have 'regained and afternoon for myself'. This weekend as I was praying the Holy Spirit really convicted me that I have poor perspective on time, trust, and priorities. 3 weeks ago, I also started homeschooling our daughter. It is just a quick reading and Bible lesson, writing practice and a craft, but still it was something I was really trying to get established in an orderly way, and if prayer crossed my mind, I probably dismissed it for having too many other things to do. What better lesson, though, to teach my daughter, than setting aside time to pray and seek our Heavenly Father, right! Today she was actually in serious need of a nap, so she is sleeping, but next week I will get back to the committment to prayer, not only for me but to teach and remember that how we spend our time reflects our love.

The Word:
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Matthew 6:21

For trust to know that if we seek His kingdom and His righteousness, all other things will be granted as well. I am also remember our sponsor child Janefer and writing to her today- another one of those things that I say I don't have much time for but is storing up treasures in our home, in Tanzania, and in Heaven.

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