Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Breaking off from the group

I took some time to pray about and reflect on this past week, having had the opportunity to go back to our old church in MI and serve on a middle school backpacking/city serve trip. I thank God that He connected the young ladies and myself quickly, and sustained me through hiking with the heavy backpack :) Every day on the trip, there was a planned quiet time where everyone would break off and go through a trip devotional, then come back together to discuss how we felt God speaking to us. Coming back home, I was thinking about when Jesus left crowds to go have some time alone with his Father. It wasn't planned, and no one else was doing it. As a person who loves social interaction and hates to miss anything, that would have been, and still is hard for me some times. During the summer, I have not had the same 'homework' from my weekly Bible study or life group that keeps me accountable to making time to specifically listen for and seek God.

"The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed." Isaiah 50:4

Not that I claim to have already obtained this well-instructed tongue :), but reading it reminds me that the Lord and His instruction can make even the simple, wise. So I will continue to take time to lend my ear and heart to His instruction, even if it means having to separate myself from a group or activity for a time.

That even in groups, other people's homes, on vacation, wherever I may be, that I would remember it is the Lord who sustains me. Lord, help me remember my need for you and your great lovingkindness to teach me.

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